We revealed many hints and they all led to Burleigh Beach in Gold Coast, Australia. Did you get it right? Let’s break it down!
The first clue was released on our YouTrip It Instead microsite, and it stated:
“I come from a family of natural beauties, blessed with a perfect smile. And while I look up to my popular sister, I’m still the head-turner – even at a mile. Who am I?“
The coastal arc of Gold Coast is lined with a wide range of Australia’s favourite beaches. Tourist favourite Surfer’s Paradise sits north of family-friendly Burleigh Heads (aka Burleigh Beach) which stretches slightly more than a mile long!
Soon, we revealed visual hints on Facebook, where participants could request for more hints by tagging a friend and commenting 💜.
Facebook Hint #1

The stars in this video mirrors the 6 stars on the Australian flag which represents the territories of the Australian Commonwealth.

“National Treasure spotted at 00:02“
Watch the video and pause at 00:02. Did you spot the man in black with a kangaroo (aka poster child of Australia) print?

“From the bottom of the compass”
Australia is known as ‘the land Down Under’ for its position in the southern hemisphere. Before the discovery of Australia, it was known as Terra Australis Incognita – the unknown southern land.
“Call me maybe, but remember to include +[(56.12/9.2)x2(3+2)] 📞”
Did you manage to solve the equation? Dial +61 for a call to Australia!
Facebook Hint #2

“Just placing my drink on this _____”
… Gold Coaster 🌚😂
“All that glitters is not _____”
… Gold
“I’m a favourite for 🏄♀️🏄♂️”
With wave conditions welcoming for all levels, the Gold Coast is a popular spot for surfers worldwide.
“I lie south-east in the land of queens ↘👸”
Gold Coast, also known as the coastal city of the Australian state of Queensland, sits south-east from Brisbane, the state’s capital.
Facebook Hint #3

Burleigh Beach’s Lifeguard Tower, is none other than tower 18.
“I stretch for (9476132/6317421) miles”
Burleigh Beach stretches for around 1.5 miles long.

“Write me a letter at 4220 📧”
4220 – Postal Code of Burleigh Heads
“🏄♀️🏄♂️ know me for my barrel 🌊”
The iconic Burleigh barrel was made legendary during the 1977 Stubbies surf competition.
Did you get all of the hints right? If you answered correctly, may the random draw generator be in your favour!
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