If you’re cooped up at home and going a little stir crazy, we’ve got your back! Take a break from Netflix and check out these Reddit threads instead.
Social distancing can be tough. Not everyone is an introvert, and adjusting to minimising in-person interactions can be hard for some. The best way to kill a few hours? Hop into a few of the most entertaining subsections of Reddit, or better known as subreddits, that are dedicated to a particular topic.
Here’s 7 of our favourite Reddit rabbit holes that will get you hooked:
1. NoSleep
It could be argued that NoSleep is usually the “gateway drug” to the addictive resource that is Reddit. Filled with spooky stories (both short stories as well as stories with multiple parts), this subreddit is easy to get lost in. If you’re looking for a good way to pass the time and want to give yourself a little scare, why not check this out?
At the very least, it’ll make your pet bumping against a table leg at night just a little more interesting.
Recommended post to read: How To Survive Camping
2. AmITheAss****
If your life is lacking drama and you need something to kick it up a notch, there’s no need to stir the pot with your family or friends. That’s where this subreddit, AmITheAss**** comes in. Listed as a “catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us”, this niche subreddit gives everyone the chance to get a truly unbiased opinion on their squabbles.
Redditors submit arguments, disagreements, and various situations from their lives, and commenters get to inform them if they were TA (the ass****) or NTA (not the ass****). If you’re confused, this subreddit has a clear list of rules and explains what each verdict means in them.
While it’s difficult to verify how true some of those stories are, we can guarantee you’ll be entertained.
Recommended post to read: AITA For Making A Dad Joke?
3. JustNoMIL
It’s a conflict as old as time – we just can’t seem to get along with our in-laws and you’re far from alone in this struggle. If your in-laws are driving you a little batty, this is the subreddit for you.
JustNoMIL (JustNoMotherInLaw) is a place for you to vent, seek advice, or just read about some good ol’ mother-in-law drama. Sometimes, you get Redditors who’ve been regulars on JustNoMIL, documenting each unbelievable event as it happens. Hint: law enforcement is involved far more often than you’d think!
If you need advice, or just want to vent, you could even submit a post of your own!
Recommended post to read: The White Dress
4. IDont’tWorkHereLady
If you’ve ever been the victim of that awkward encounter where someone mistakes you for a store employee, this subreddit might make you feel a little less alone. Even if it hasn’t happened to you, it’s definitely still worth a read for the audacity some people have.
Who knows? You might be a little more inclined to ensure that “retail assistant” standing around the store actually works there.
Recommended post to read: “Do you know who I am?” and “you’re fired” until they realised their terrible mistake
5. TalesFromTheFrontDesk
If you’re one of the brave, patient people who work in the hospitality industry, this is going to be your new haven when you’ve had crazy, unreasonable guests.
Fret not – you’re not alone! Even if you have no experience working in hospitality, you’ll be amazed at the gall of some hotel guests. Remember this when we’re free to travel again: Being nice to the hotel check-in staff makes a real difference!
Recommended post to read: Dinner Date With a Guest
6. TalesFromCallCenters
For all of those who work in customer service roles, rejoice! Here’s an entire community of people who understand your struggles. Whether you work in the telecom, utilities or finance industries customer service, I assure you you’ll find something relatable in this subreddit.
While most of the stories are based in the United States, it seems that unreasonable, dramatic customers aren’t bound by geography. Who knows, you might even come away with an appreciation for the good customers you do encounter!
Recommended post to read: The Joys of Hearing Customers While On Mute
7. AskReddit
In this subreddit, feel free to ask (or answer) any questions on your mind. This subreddit is just about hearing answers to questions from Redditors – and the questions are entirely random.
Most of the time, the answers result in fascinating stories that offer you a glimpse into the life of a complete stranger. You might even get a chance to share stories you never thought you’d have the opportunity to tell!
Recommended post to read: What is Something About Yourself That Sounds Totally Made Up But is 100% Real?
Now that you’ve got these Reddit rabbit hole recommendations, fix yourself a snack and a drink and dive right in. After all, just because we’re practising social distancing doesn’t mean we have to be bored, right?
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